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A few years back, as part of Emergency and Disaster Management in the area, it became obvious that many people were quite prepared to put themselves at risk using poor equipment with no safety measures in place, whatsoever. Some even arrived with candles for light and a dangerously thin rope and expected to find their way through a 4 400sqm cave! The cave environment - even of those caves dynamited by lime miners in the 1800's - was being jeopardised by the uninformed adventure-seeker. Ignorance is at the root of most cave damage.

Not all experienced cavers are good teachers - one can be an accomplished caver and still a poor communicator. By ensuring that those coming on our excursions become safety - conscious and more environmentally aware, Wild Cave Adventures is assured that caves will remain open to future cavers. If we lose the caves, we lose caving!

Caves can damage cavers, but far more often it is the other way around. Broken bones will heal, but snap off a cave formation and it is gone forever with thousands, maybe millions of years of history wiped out in a single act of vandalism. We do, however, rate safety aspects of caving very highly with First Aid, High-Angle Rope Rescue qualifications and access to the Emergency and Disaster network close at hand.

Corporate Events
* Not every member of a company is a mad adventure-loving person wanting to jump out of planes or bungy jump. Through past experience, just the mere suggestion of having to go out and do something different with one's company, has many breaking out in a cold sweat and deciding to skip the day entirely.
* Often just one individual dealing with irrational fears can put a dampener on the event, as these individuals affect everyone around them.
* Obviously, the bigger the group, the more chance there is that not everyone in the group is going to cope with extreme activities.
* Many Corporate Fundays are not as successful as they could be, because service providers do not always cater for everyone.


CORPORATE ADRENALINE CHALLENGE (best for numbers greater than twenty)

Many companies are filled with average people whose idea of adventure is reading a spy thriller! Keeping these people in mind, we have designed a package with a sense of competitiveness BUT with no pressure to get people to get out of 'comfort zones'.We do, however, guarantee that everyone comes away having experienced something unique and memorable.

Office : 011 956 6197

Sandy : 082 486 2464
Neil : 082 632 1718

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